
Dr. Stone provides extensive assessment services, including issues such as AD/HD, learning disability, anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and developmental delay.

For many assessments, Dr. Stone will initially meet with parents to gather a developmental history and background history and to determine major concerns. She will also conduct a school observation if appropriate. Separate appointments will be schedueld to complete the testing. For most children, Dr. Stone conducts a two hour session of testing. It typically takes 2, two hour testing sessions to complete a learning disability evaluation in addition to the one hour interview with parents. Dr. Stone will then schedule parents to return, without the child, to review results. After this appointment, if the child is developmentally ready, she will schedule to have the child return for a brief session to review strengths and weaknesses and discuss strategies to make school and learning easier. For college students, the parent interview is not required and results will be reviewed with the student.

Dr. Stone uses the following instruments:
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV)
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS - IV)
Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement NU - III
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP)
Gray Oral Reading Test - II (GORT- 2)
Nelson Denny Reading Test
Behavioral Assessment System for Children (BASC - 2)
Conner Rating Scales - long version (CRS)
Brown ADD Scales (Brown)
Child Depression Inventory (CDI)
Revised Manifest Anxiety Scale (RMAS)